Scottish Water

Conditions Of Contract
NEC 3 Option C


Contract Value


In order to address issues of quality, asset deterioration and population growth, process improvements are required to be made at Daldowie WWTW.

Briefly, the work will involve replacement of the existing inlet screens to include new CSO (6DWF) screens, new coarse and fine screens and installation of FBDA aeration within existing aeration lanes to replace the existing surface aerators.


The existing detritors will also be refurbished (by others and not part of this project) and once refurbished their control shall be incorporated into a new inlet MCC as part of this project.

The existing Phase 1 and Phase 2 MCCs, currently feeding the surface aerators, will be retained and upgraded as they will still be required to supply and control other areas of the plant.

Would you like to know more about this project?
Get in touch with Simon Butler