The linkspans at both the Isles of Tiree and Coll’s Ferry Terminals were in poor condition and required refurbishment and modernisation to allow more effective use for both operations and maintenance purposes.
To minimise the disruption to these important lifeline ferry services, the works to the Coll Linkspan were delivered first with the stripped-out Coll Linkspan equipment refurbished, renewed and installed on the Tiree Linkspan.
Additional safety barriers, access platforms and floating plant were also adopted to allow safe access for the removal and reinstatement of all equipment, structural elements, control and operating systems and linkspan bridge access for all upgrades.

The works associated with the refurbishment of both linkspans included extensive surveys, stripping out of all hydraulics, control systems and electrical equipment and replace with new or refurbished equipment; removal and replacement of structural and mechanical ancillaries; decommissioning and removal of existing steel decks; installation of new decks including cylinders, pumps and all structural and mechanical ancillaries.
Fabrication, installation and painting of new linkspan decks; installation of refurbished structural, mechanical and electrical ancillaries; load testing of newly installed linkspan deck and machinery and commissioning and operational testing of machinery.
The works were carried out one linkspan at a time, with the in-situ elements and linkspan installation being undertaken at the start and end of the winter timetable. Works were programmed around the scheduled ferry service timetables – with no disruption to any service.