George Leslie have signed up to Sustainable Glasgow Glasgow Green Economy Hub and Charter.
Sustainable Glasgow is a Partnership which aims to position Glasgow as a leading city in the development of the green and wider economy.
Businesses signed up to the Charter have agreed to: “Effect significant and demonstratable change in our business practices resulting in an accelerated reduction in climate emissions that contribute to Glasgow’s net-zero carbon target.”
George Leslie Managing Director, David Ross said: “We have joined Sustainable Glasgow to support both our city and our own climate ambitions. As a business that believes in collaboration, we are keen to work with like-minded organisations who are committed to working together.”
“We can achieve a little alone, but together we can achieve a lot. The effects of climate change are not going away and we need to work together collaboratively to achieve our net-zero carbon ambitions.”
The Green Economy Hub is for organisations who are committed to leading the race to net zero and who are dedicated to delivering a sustainable and circular Glasgow together.
David Ross said: “George Leslie being a part of Sustainable Glasgow with likeminded businesses represents a step on the path towards a new normal of sustainably ethical business practices in a thriving city like Glasgow.”